How To Be A Good Manager Or Supervisor, Demeanor, First Impressions And Leading By Example

In my first article concerning some basic rules for management we looked at the necessity of having a backbone if you are going to be a manager.We discussed the need to be fair both to your boss and to your employees and the importance of being reasonable in your expectations.Lastly, we talked about discipline.In this article we will investigate the importance of having the right demeanor, the importance of leading by example, and the importance of making a good first appearances.

Having a good demeanor is always a quality of a great boss.Everyone is not born charismatic so having a good demeanor doesn't always come naturally.Some of us have to work at it more than others.

Your demeanor needs to be such that it will encourage your employees to do what you need them to do.I'm pretty sure that most of you have had a boss with a lousy demeanor.Normally his demeanor and his mood carries over to the employees.A manager needs to be up, be positive, and be an encourager.A bad demeanor will lead to disgruntled, unhappy, employees.A good demeanor will lift up employees and give them a good spirit.Certainly, there will be days when you are going to be a bear, issues need addressed and you don't feel like being an encourager.It might be better for you to stay in the office on days like that.
Your employees are your interface with the public.Do everything you can to keep that interface working properly.A bad demeanor can have serious consequences on your bottom line.If your employees pick up a bad demeanor from you the profitability of your business will suffer immensely.

Leading by example is so important to the morale of the entire workforce.As a manager you need to show people you are part of the team.Don't hide in the office, help in the business setting, rub elbows with your employees, let them see you are willing to help.Force yourself if necessary to have a positive attitude.One of your jobs is to be cheerleader for the team.If you are going to discipline an employee when he messes up; be sure to commend your employees when they do a good job.A little praise goes a long way.Set the example in everything you do in front of your employees.Show them how to treat a customer.Show them how to run the computer, work the printer, or fill the popcorn machine.One of the biggest reasons for employees failing at their jobs is lack of proper training.Be sure you train the employees to be like you.

Perhaps, this paragraph should have come sooner; but the last thing we are going to talk about today is being sure you make a good first impression.You need to make a good impression, your employees need to make a good first impression, and even the business itself needs to make a good first impression.You need to make a good first impression on your employees.You want them to see you as someone who deserves their respect.You want them to see you as the boss but also as a partner in meeting your business objectives.You need to let them see, right off the bat, that you are willing to support them in every aspect of their jobs.Employees respect bosses that will get down in the trenches with them.They don't like a boss that they only see once a week when he comes out to complain about something.Show your employees that you are going to be a good boss.

Your employees need to make a good first impression on the public.Nobody wants to come into a business where the employees have a lackadaisical attitude.Nor do customers want to see non caring, in personable people.Your employees must make a good first appearance or many of your customers will be just a one time customer.I have walked out of businesses several times in the past because of the attitude of the employees.

Lastly, make sure your physical building and furnishings make a good first impression on people.Have you ever walked into a store or restaurant, saw how dirty or unkempt it was, and turned and walked right out the door? Make sure your business does not repel your clients.
Everything in your business needs to be clean and attractive to your customers.Walk in the front door of your business and really take a look at what kind of first impression your business makes.

Today, we have talked about the importance of you having a good demeanor if your employees are going to have one.We learned that we need to lead by example and we learned that we need to make a good first impression.If these tips have been helpful to you, you may want to look at some of the other tips that are available to you.

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Article Written by charlesjbarneysr

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